Saturday, October 22, 2016

Rush Poppers Manila For Sale Original Formula

We ARe Selling Pure and 100% Genuine FORMULA Amyl Nitrite & Isobutyl Nitrite "Medical Grade w/PPP ™ Power-Pak Pellet(ACTIVATED ALUMINA) 99.9%"Yellowish Liquid poppers for ULTRA PURE AND STRONG! Chemicals made in Germany
Numerous other formulas have been developed since the term "Poppers"but the Original formulas is Always the Best
For Inquiry Just message us Privately at 0917~977 000 1 AVAILABLE STOCKS JULY~DECEMBER 2017-2018

Best Leather Cleaner - Room Odorizer - Liquid Incense

FormulationAmyl Nitrite
Alternative namesN-amyl nitrite, 1-nitropentane, Nitramyl Original RUSH Formulas Year70's
Year introduced
Amyl nitrite has maintained a prominent position among vasodilators used in medicine and First produced in 1857 as a treatment for angina, amyl nitrite evaporates at room temperature.
RarityVery rare. Not seen on the market in decades. Need a medical prescription for "real" amyl nitrite.
IdentificationBoiling point: 95-100 °C
EffectsAmyl nitrite is a potent vasodilator, acting on the body through release of the nitrite ion. The most prominent and important actions of nitrite are on vascular smooth muscle. The dilating effect on the systemic arterioles reduces peripheral vascular resistence, and this is usually associated with a decrease in systemic blood pressure. The resulting effects are:
Head rush
Flushing of the face
Increased heart rate
Warming sensations
Feelings of excitement
Relaxation of involuntary muscles, especially the anal and vaginal sphincters
Side effectsThese effects are often felt to increase sexual arousal and desire; in males Amyl nitrite can help bring on or 'strengthen' an erection, via increased blood flow to the penis. It is widely reported that Amyl nitrite can enhance and prolong orgasms for both sexes.
Other InfoConsidered the most desired formulation.

FormulationIsobutyl Nitrite
Alternative namesUltra Strong Poppers/RUSH~ENGLISH WHITE
Year introducedn\a
RarityMedium rare (Banned in UK and Canada)
IdentificationBoiling point : 78-80 °C, Smell: sweet, like fermented bananas
EffectsLonger lasting high
Side effectsThese effects are often felt to increase sexual arousal and desire
Other InfoHighly desired but difficult to obtain. 10points

FormulationIsopropyl Nitrite 
Alternative namesRush Poppers UK formula~Jungle Juice
Year introducedn\a
IdentificationBoiling point: 67-69 °C, Smell: like rubbing alcohol, slight burning feeling in nostrils
EffectsShort lasting.
Side effectsTemporary vision changes. Vision damage after long term use. Oversniffing can cause vomiting and nausea. Headaches. High eventually reaches a "plateau" and stops working.
Other InfoLeast desired on the market but still used for those who have no side effects.